Looking for Sustainability ideas

I thought I find a way to keep costs down while still trying to stay eco-friendly. Trying to keep striving for sustainability. This a record of that journey.

Sometimes blunt and straight forward then sometimes sarcastic

This frugal crunchy hipster single momma is doing what she can to save Mother Earth while not breaking the bank!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The EPA, My City and My Water Bill

So the EPA has sued Akron and now everyone in the Akron area will be paying 35% more on their water bill next year. The city council meeting was met with angry customers.  With the unemployment rate in this city higher than the national average most middle class households will be hurting next year. WE will have trouble paying  the water bill.  Land lords will be the hardest hit, for the city ordinance that the owner is regulated the bill is paid by owner of building.  But that will of course mean that many peoples rent will go up........  

So how can I save water........ without going broke.
Low flow Shower head ..... Check
Duel flush toilet ...........       Check  (had to replace toilet  last year went with duel flush)
Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily............ Check
Run full loads  only............
           Landry.................. Check
           Dish washer............ I WISH, hand wash only here.....    Get dishwasher...
       that would make my daughter happy but no where to put it, BUT  don't have the money 
Repair dripping faucets..........Check
Shower rather than take a bath....... half a check......
cure daughter's cramps for 2 baths per month......... add to the To DO list. (sarcasm is fun!) 
Insulate your water pipes....Check
Insulate your hot water heater....Check.
Don't let water run   when brushing teeth, washing face or to let it warm up .......... Half a check we are getting better at this. BUT dang the water can be VERY cold int he morning.....
Installing an instant water heater... Plus pay to have it installed... extra electric work especially in the bathroom...   runs anywhere from a  hundred to couple thousand... Whole house (more expensive)   or 2 point of use.. one for the bathroom, one for the kitchen......... Don't have the money.....
 A greywater system...... I WISH!  we are talking thousands and then added to have them installed.
Place aerators with flow restriction to faucets.   Ok I have seen them for as low as $16...  Add to my TO DO list.........  wait the bathroom can't have one added not threads for the aertor to be placed on the faucet,  need new faucet........... Ok one for kitchen...

Great I am going to have to play the lottery and hope for the best........


1 comment:

  1. This was a great post. It sucks when prices go up, but all the tips you included for using less energy are great! Thank you! organicmotherhoodwithcoolwhip.com



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