Looking for Sustainability ideas

I thought I find a way to keep costs down while still trying to stay eco-friendly. Trying to keep striving for sustainability. This a record of that journey.

Sometimes blunt and straight forward then sometimes sarcastic

This frugal crunchy hipster single momma is doing what she can to save Mother Earth while not breaking the bank!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

T-shirts! Scissors

Wonder where I been? Think I got lost? Well I kinda did.
With the shrug post i went and found a couple more videos that got me going crazy on t-shirts...

SO I don't really watch her tattoo show but this video explains so well. She has a great voice and works well with the camera.

Then I found this video and well in this video she does well; but some of her other videos she forgot to spit out her gum. It's the mom in me that wants to tell her to close her mouth when she chews her gum, or don't speak with food in your mouth...

But great place to really get lost at is ThreadBangers

So little young momma came over with my foster grandbaby and my batteries died!! I have to wait til she emails me the pictures she took... AND she had one on, she told me she got it from the mail, wet seal I think. I asked if it was cut like that and she yea, cause her sister got it for her.. because she had done a t-shirt for her like that years ago.....
Think for free you could make a shirt that would cost something like $30 at the mall!

Happy Cutting.... wait that doesn't sound right..... Happy designing.


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