Looking for Sustainability ideas

I thought I find a way to keep costs down while still trying to stay eco-friendly. Trying to keep striving for sustainability. This a record of that journey.

Sometimes blunt and straight forward then sometimes sarcastic

This frugal crunchy hipster single momma is doing what she can to save Mother Earth while not breaking the bank!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I got a Bamboo Cutting Board!

My dad found me a bamboo cutting board at Marc's Discount store. Bamboo the is eco-friendly stuff that many green gurus have been telling us about. Bamboo really isn't a tree it is a grass. It has sustainably because it grows quickly and is stronger than most woods making it last longer. Very little water is absorbed by bamboo keeping it from shirking and warping, Some species can grow as fast as a foot a day. Go Bamboo!

So then I think wow I have t get on line do a search on how to care for my new cutting board. Ok not the first thing, that was to get rid of the nasty old one. Sad thing is that I have thrown it away many times but the kids get it out soak it and tell me "it's ok now I soaked it" But it still gives me the ebee gebees.. Use the glass one! The glass one now is the meat cutting board. They thought that it is too big, so I had to find a small cutting board...... Dad was witness to his daughter's out cry plus his granddaughters rolling eye balls and found a nice one for the peace offering to the ladies of this house. He does love all the ladies in this house.... We Love him... Poor man caught in between a rock and a hard place as he would say!! Plus the board was $1.99.

What I learned:

Hand wash with mild detergent
Once a month and before first use wipe with food-grade mineral oil.
Use hydrogen peroxide or vinegar to sanitize
Bee wax to keep nice looking

Hand washing the board with your dish-washing liquid is your best bet. Use a gentle rubbing motion. Do NOT soak or use dishwasher.
When applying the food grade mineral oil heat on low heat or microwave for 30 seconds. Apply generously as more is better than not enough. What the board needs it will soak in. Let sit for about 25 minutes. Wipe with clean cloth to remove extra. Now I read that Martha Steward uses organic olive oil on hers. BUT I didn't find anything on her site. I really don't want to use mineral oil because it is a petroleum by-product ... I have read beeswax, walnut, almond or coconut oil will work. So beeswax might win for my new board. This was the biggest search for a sub for mineral oil.

3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Kept in a spray bottle to sanitize the board fast. After sanitizing, rinse with hot water. Dry your board and dry upright. Keep dry between uses. Bacteria grows with moisture.


  1. Great info on your blog and I'm following you now. :) Thanks!!

  2. Bamboo is amamx=zing stuff isn't it! Thanks for the cleaning tip. I found you on Friends following friends on MBC. I would love to see you comment/follow my blog Organize Your Life Now


    Organize Your Life Organizers

  3. What wonderful ideals you have! Good for you! I've always dreamt of having bamboo floors. Next house, perhaps (SIGH...) Following you from MBC.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What a great deal on a bamboo cutting board! What a sweet daddy too!!

  6. I want one of these!!!! Im going to ask santa haha
    If you would like come check out my blog and enter my current giveaway at littlemissheirlooms.blogspot.com
    I hope you decided to follow me because I try to bring my readers a new and AMAZING giveaway every Monday!

  7. So good to know!! I have some amazing bamboo spoons and they're getting ruined by our dishwasher. I didn't know how to take care of them I guess. No excuses now though.

    I'm following from the MBC followers club. I'm at http://thesuburbanjungle.blogspot.com



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