Looking for Sustainability ideas

I thought I find a way to keep costs down while still trying to stay eco-friendly. Trying to keep striving for sustainability. This a record of that journey.

Sometimes blunt and straight forward then sometimes sarcastic

This frugal crunchy hipster single momma is doing what she can to save Mother Earth while not breaking the bank!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where's my sexy eco-friendly guy?

So I guess this would be better titled green eye candy! I keep seeing all these sexy guys that are pushing for the green way and think hum wheres my green guy? Most guys at first think it is cute then think Oh s**t her she goes again.. Styrofoam once in a while wouldn't kill you. Well it does take 1000 of years to decompose. Guess I am looking in all the wrong places!!

We all have heard of Brad Pitt helping build green housing in the areas of New Orleans that Katrina destroyed. Would that be so great! Building house right next to Brad Pitt...... drool drool. Guess I would have a hard time getting things done, for I spend most of my time looking over at him!!

So imagine my surprise when I read that Johnny Deep lives in a eco-friendly house with a grid-independent solar hydrogen system. Wow. He also has purchased a 35-acre Caribbean Island he named "F*ck Off Island." Ok my kind of man. He will understand my need to hate Styrofoam!! Plus Johnny Depp I have loved him since 21 Jump Street. yea I am showing my age............

So for all the younger followers hers is Leo... You younger ladies can fight over him, yea he is hot but a little too young for me... humm Leo do you have a older brother? A Uncle? That picture really does make him look good....



  1. Can I just say that my name should really be Heather Depp? LOL
    Found your blog from the friends club at MBC and following! Please follow me at http://www.thetamom.com

  2. Eye candy indeed. Whoohoo! Thanks for the SWEET post. :-) Cheers from MBC!

  3. Oooh! Johnny Depp!!!!!:)
    I have an award waiting for
    you on my blog! Come and accept

  4. Hi there! I have an award for you. Pick it up from my blog.

  5. I'll take Johhny, Brad and Leo, but can do without guy number one whose name is beyond me.
    I'm here to follow you thru MBC!

  6. I'm following you now too...and can I just say, Johnny Depp... yummmmmm



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