Looking for Sustainability ideas

I thought I find a way to keep costs down while still trying to stay eco-friendly. Trying to keep striving for sustainability. This a record of that journey.

Sometimes blunt and straight forward then sometimes sarcastic

This frugal crunchy hipster single momma is doing what she can to save Mother Earth while not breaking the bank!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I love this quote:

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.
She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never.

Some more to share:

There was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.
Jill Churchill

Ah the mornings of being served breakfast in bed. I really miss that with a grown daughter...

The cups, cards or whatevers they made for us at school... I still have a candle holder from 1993, a drawer sachet, a bowl and pencil holder from years back............... that my "little  girl"  made at school or scouts for Mother's Day
This is for the Mom's left with a huge mess in the kitchen after breakfast in bed.......
Something to make you laugh!!



  1. great quotes!! I too have tons of keepsakes :) & I love that video thanks for sharing & have a great Mother''s day!

  2. I didn't know about the red & white! Sorry about your mama, I hope you have a nice day.



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